AERA 2022
Leadership on Curriculum Reform in Conservatoire Education Abstract Musicians nowadays need to be able to work both creatively and collaboratively, often in a wider range of artistic, social and cultural contexts. A strong educational leadership and vision on conservatoire pedagogy is needed to reach this goal and at the same time align with the demands

Promotieonderzoek afgerond
Tamara Rumiantsev verdedigt op 14 april as. haar proefschrift Collaborative learning in conservatoire education: catalyst for innovation, aan de Universiteit Leiden (11.15 uur, Groot Auditorium, Academiegebouw). Is er reden tot zorg omtrent conservatoriumonderwijs? Tijdens de coronapandemie lieten professionele muzikanten zich omscholen, muziekstudenten bleken hun studiegenoten tijdens de lockdown meer te missen dan hun lessen, en